
Un día escolar

Página Inicial
¿Quién soy?
Imágenes de mis alumnos
Enlaces Educativos
Proyectos Educativos
Integración Curricular
Arte estudiantil

Here are some pictures of my friends.

Dancing teenagers; Size=180 pixels wide

Here I might put a picture of one friend.

Teens at a pool party; Size=240 pixels wide

Here I might put a picture of another friend.

Teens at a pool party; Size=240 pixels wide

Here I might put a picture of my friends and me enjoying ourselves at a party.

Dancing teenagers; Size=180 pixels wide

Here I might put a picture of another friend or another group picture.

If any of my friends have their own web sites, I might include links to them here.

Escuela Elemental Ana Catalina Rodriguez
Yauco, Puerto Rico