
Página Inicial
¿Quién soy?
Imágenes de mis alumnos
Enlaces Educativos
Proyectos Educativos
Integración Curricular
Arte estudiantil

Everyone else has a web site these days, so I figured, why not me, too?

I'll mainly use this site to post lots of favorite pictures of my friends and family. I'll try to pick out the most flattering ones, but no guarantees!

I'm also going to use this web site to express myself. I'll have a page with my opinions on current events, and another page where I'll put reviews of the movies I see and books I read. I might also include a page that has some of my own original writing or artwork.

I'll update this site frequently, so make sure to check back.

What's New?

Here I'll add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site.

I might use a format similar to this one for my entries:

1/1/02 - Added a list of my favorites to the About Me page.

Blues Guitar

Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.

Escuela Elemental Ana Catalina Rodriguez
Yauco, Puerto Rico